Client Update: Kate's Space and a Spruce for Bruce!

Remember this post? and this room for Bruce? With some secret sourcing and a wave of our wand... we now have this! which includes some of new finds: A spruced up Man Cave for Bruce- and- ...on our way to Kate's Space on the other side of the house, we passed by this: which magically became this: Loving the way the black color is integrated into their home and it makes such...

Wraps, Ribs and Rabbits!

I hope all of you had a wonderful Easter... this was my view on Easter morning:)  Nothing against Kansas City, but not many children wait for the arrival of the Easter Bunny... in the Marriott. Who plans a Qualifier Volleyball Tournament on Easter Weekend?? Hmmmm.... As much as I love watching my daughter play volleyball, will it ever end?!!!   I've...

Finish out those Forgotten Spaces!

As I begin to work on a new custom home project with a lovely new client,I am reminded that NOW is the time to look for those nooks and cranniesthat you can make functional in your home... FOR STORAGE...orJUST FOR FUN! Pouring over the blue prints to finish out potential "dead" space is the first step,but the creative options may not present themselves until framing...when you...
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