50 Shades Remix - Design Style
50 SHADES of "DESIGN" Grey.
Sometimes we feel like we are designing around 50 shades of grey. We go through 50 shades of grey paint, grey fabric swatches, grey accessories...
just to find the PERFECT grey
Well, now that the 50 Shades of Grey hype has died down (or has it?!) ... we thought we'd bring it back up by revealing some of our favorites behind
Christian Grey's apartment design!
By Covet Lounge, you can actually see THESE pieces in the movie.
We love the thin lines that grace all these pieces. Whether it's on a console table, or the arm of a chair, everything is done with poise and purpose.
One of our favorite things about this particular collection is the use of gold.
Of course we have a keen eye for that shade right now, so we are soaking it up!
"Selected to furnish Mr. Grey’s penthouse apartment, Boca do Lobo, Delightfull, Brabbu
and Koket were found to be a perfect match with the story’s nature, and its main character’s
extravagant ways, and millionaire taste. Each piece was carefully selected to fit it’s
designated environment style, from bold and avant-garde, to organic and feminine, aiming to
mirror the film and brands’ common qualities." - Covet Lounge
Who wouldn't love this lavish style loft apartment?!
This asymmetrical mirror caught our eye along
with it's gold flanking wall sconces!
Such an unusual set, yet it all completely fits.
All images credited of Covet Lounge
We love the design of 50 Shades of Grey just as
much as the world seemed to love the movie...wink wink!

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