ASID Design Ovation Award Winners: WOW!
May be a bit sappy here, folks. This past weekend Traci Connell Interiors was surprised
and honored to win not one, but two ASID Design Ovation Awards.
We are so proud of the great work we produce and it is so
nice to be recognized in the Dallas Design Community
for "good stuff"!
Our Houzz home office show stopper won Second Place-
if you haven't seen it... here it is again:)
... and our swanky Bachelor Uptown kitchen received
Honorable Mention in the Contemporary category
Super clients and top notch design = winning combination!
All of this took place during a challenging time for me,
but it goes to show that if you dig deep, you'll end up on top.
So thank you sweet clients, thank you loyal friends,
thank you M, D, T and T,
thank you A, A, and A xo
and many thanks to my team, Courtney and Jesus.
You have all played an integral part-
Now back to work!
Feelin' Lucky,

Congrats, Traci! That is awesome!!