June Checklist - Our Tips to Get it Checked OFF!
Summer is HERE! And June has arrived, are you ready to make this a great summer?
Here are a few tips to get started on the right foot!
Reorganize the Kitchen: Move seasonal appliances like ice cream makers or smoothie blenders to the front and create a "snack bar" for the kids home from school.
TCI Project
Make Space for Summer Crafts: If you provide a dedicated area for the kids to work you'll have a better chance that they won't sit in front of the TV all day.
Organize School Garb: Time to put away the stacks of papers and folders in a neat and tidy fashion.
TCI Project
Lighten up your Decor: Roll up the heavy, dark colored rugs and replace
with bright and white.
with bright and white.
TCI Project
Refresh your Bathroom: Need a new shower curtain or a fresh set of linens?
TCI Project
And Lastly
Make your Summer MUST-DO List!

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