Art is the Name of the Game: See what we've done!
How can ARTWORK change the design of your room??
Art can not only help set the stage for an amazing space, but can also transform it instantly into something you never knew it could be.
We love to play with color, texture and pattern when it comes to artwork.
Here are 4 reasons why ART is most important:
1. Add movement:
The patterns throughout an art piece can move through the room and draw the eye to important focal points.
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2. Create color for the color scheme:
Sometimes in an art piece you are able to bring in all the colors in the space in one place. This helps to CREATE a color scheme and be able to use it throughout your design.
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3. Balance the scale of the room:
Whether it is an oversized art piece or a collection of several small pieces, art can balance a large wall or a wall that might be too small in order to help the room feel complete.
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4. Be a focal point:
Like we have done in this beautiful bathroom, a large piece of art can easily steal the show and be a wonderful conversation piece or the first place you eye looks.
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So the moral of the story -- don't forget your art!!!

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