Operation 17th Birthday Surprise Bedroom Makeover!
When we moved in our house over two years ago, my then 14 year old wanted
a fresh start… which equated to a pure white bedroom. Of course we needed to use her existing furniture but she really didn’t want any color.
So there it went: white paint, white trim, white bedding.
1.5 years later… she’s done and wanted a new look.
Her request was “Antiquated, slightly grunge and cluttered”
Ummm…. okay. So I went to work at it feeling not so comfortable with this design aesthetic - since I have never heard of it before - and she basically shot down every idea. Like some of our paying clients,
she could not see the finish line so she decided to do nothing.
Another year later, still talking about a redo, operation “Surprise 17th Birthday” sprung into action! I decided to just go for it while she was at school and surprise her-
no matter what the end result could be.
Here’s a photo story of the tale:
BEFORE Pictures:
As you can see ... white .. and teenager.
(she removed the white drapes already and took off the 3-D
origami art above her bed- sigh)
(she removed the white drapes already and took off the 3-D
origami art above her bed- sigh)
She HATED this headboard...
The Process:
Thanks to my wonderful team, we had plenty of help putting this puzzle together!
(Jesus and Ozzy, holding down the fort)
If this isn't "antiquated and slightly grunge" ... I'm not sure what is!
(I spent a lot of time in antique stores)
(I spent a lot of time in antique stores)
Thanks Terra ... Somebody had to do it.
And of course the longest part of the process ... planning out the wall designs.
Good thing we had help!
Operation SURPRISE:
What would a surprise be without a little iPhone tracker stalking to make sure
we knew exactly when she'd be home?!
BEST Reaction:
She clearly loved it ;)
Check out her video reaction here!
Final Product!!
From the video and the huge smile, you can see that I hit a home run.
Thanks to the TCI team for helping me pull this off!
Happy Birthday, my Avery!

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