Fall Decor - How to Do it Right!
Fall Decor : Non Tacky Style
Please no :
1. Scary scarecrows staring at visitors when they walk in your front door
2. Mummy wrapped pumpkins with eye balls ( ?!!? )
3. Disheveled hay bails lying around (creating more mess that its worth)
4. Plastic fake leaves lining your stairway or doorway.
You will THANK us!
How do create an "Autumn" atmosphere without sacrificing the beauty of your house?
Try THESE tips!
1. Small Doses: Bounce the fall decor around your home in bits at a time. No need to overtake an entire table with garb when you have a whole house to fill!
- A simple vase full of colorful leaves with a few white pumpkins surrounding is a perfect way to set the dining table
2. Stick with mostly neutrals: Don't try to pull out every color of orange you can find. Creams, whites, chocolates, and a few splashes of changing leaves color will leave your home feeling light and airy, yet ready to celebrate Fall!
3. Lanterns: These simple pieces are always a nice touch to fill with a few (non tacky) Fall items. A couple of white pumpkins, candles, pinecones.... all great choice for fillers.
4. Simple pumpkins: We love the cream pumpkins with a hint of orange. No need to buy the "ugly duckling" pumpkin that has a giant growth on the side. Stick with what you know is good.
5. Mix Fall colors with your home's color palette: Just because it is Fall, doesn't mean you have to do away with the rhythm and order of your home. Use a blue vase that is out all year round, to fill with a simple fall leaf.
6. Go classic on the patio: Like we said before, no need to scare off your neighbors with eyeball-pumpkins and grimacing scarecrows.... How about something much more classic and inviting??
Here's to enjoying Fall and hoping for cooler weather in Texas!

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