A "Martha Stewart" Craft Room...in Reality!
You may have drooled over craft room's such as these on Pinterest... but today, we have a live, Martha Stewart inspired craft room for you to admire!
Our client got to be ON the Martha Stewart show, enjoy lunch with her, and then have her very own craft room just for herself ;)
While she was on the show, she and Martha created a "Scrapbox" to showcase souvenirs that our client had acquired in New York. Check out their "how-to" HERE.
What is a "Scrapbox"? It is a great way to store momentos, photographs, and souvenirs in this specially decorated box, which can be personalized for a gift!
This special Scrapbox now lives in her beautiful craft room in Dallas!
A great craft room requires a wall station. The painted backs of the built-in shelves add a great punch to the room. Plenty of storage for the perfect craft room.
Desk space is important for a craft room, having adequate space to create AND organize is always a balance. A great craft room requires a sewing station!
The MacKenzie Child's hardware she place on the built-in and free standing desks are so unique, they add something completely different to the room.
A great craft room requires a "central work station". She has accomplished that with this large desk and sea grass stool.
This adorable hanging pendant is also from MacKenzie Child's. What a great statement piece for this room. In order to make sure she had adequate lighting for such a light-intensive room....they added can lighting for more direct light around the room.
I'm sure this space evokes a lot of creative juices ;) Our client, herself, is a very creative person! She designed this room herself, so practical AND pleasing to the eye!
Be sure to check back soon as we reveal the "game room" that TCI designed here in this same Dallas home!

One of the most important aspects in every room is lighting and I can see that you also acknowledge of its importance because you've chosen pretty appealing lighting fixtures at home. These are lovely pendants, which definitely add more beauty in the space.