No.... I didn't go on vacation! I've been buried in fabric
and working my way out of it!
My M.O. is to be busy and I actually get more done working off a packed checklist.
In my attempt to shorten the "to do" list and lengthen the "meet with clients" list-
I have hired a Design Assistant!
I look forward to you meeting Noelle in the near future and
I look forward to increasing my productivity... YES!
We are soooo fortunate to have some great projects in the works.
Here's a glimpse of direction we are going in the "Man Cave"
at my client Kate Spade's house:
Plaid on the runway and plaid on the pillows here! Kate Spade wants to create a warm,
cozy cabin like feel for her husband to veg out in front of his large "screen".
We are painting the fireplace black, adding window treatments, artwork and
lots of influences from menswear to make him happy!
The starting point-
Notice another steal from the runway... houndstooth!
Not just for your suits any longer-
I stopped in my tracks when I came along some of these accessories
from Blue Ocean Traders at Market...
Diggin the antelope??
Kate Spade and I are definitely ordering some of these...
I continued to drool when I came across some
show stoppers from Aidan Gray... Wow!
My Fav-
Some of these may have to go into Kate's room as well... we are working on
that one too, but the Man Cave is moving along faster!
Do you have something in your closet that you would put on your chair???!!!!
Until next time,
I have a black/white houndstooth chair that I love!