
Friday, December 24, 2010

My Christmas Checklist

The end is in sight! Not that I'm racing to the finish line, but I really want that feeling of ....whew, everything is done and now I can relax.  Is that even possible?

Here are my latest accomplishments:

#1: Gifts wrapped:  Check

#2 Clients taken care of: Check

Lamps for  Glamma arrived and are perfect, window treatments are installed in Garland,
woven woods are up in Plano,
fabric is ordered for West Plano and last consult in 2010 was completed as well!

#3 Computer issues solved: Check

Dell laptop was hurled into swimming pool and now I'm a Mac girl! not get me started on my computer issues... deep breath and sigh-

#4 Parties thrown: Check

#5 Avery's Christmas tree up: Check 
(and wayyyy overdue!)

(I think we need to step it up in this area next year...
check out the sweet trees of some of my colleagues!)

Inspired by Sock Monkeys... I love it- and everything she does:)

Joann and Kelly at Kandrac and Kole created
this beauty for the showhouse they participated in-
big and bold!

Yes, it is time to think about the children now.  Time to bake cookies and shake presents:)

Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas~

Until next time,

Images via* Moi, Glamma, Tobi Fairley and Kandrac and Kole

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas, Traci!!

    How is the Mac treating you? I took the plunge a while ago - I thought it would kill me, but now I love it!
