When we are away from things for a while, we tend to forget how important they are~
Here's my list from last Friday:
1. My sweet client "Jane"
2. Her stunning orange armoire
Last year, we put the touches on "Jane's" living room by adding
soft draperies, but what impressed me the most when I started working with her
was the color combination she had going of...
orange, navy and cream!
Friday, we had a visit to pick out granite but we chatted most of the time instead:)
Sorry I don't have good pics, but the colors are so pretty in person!
Take a peek at the blue velvet stacked ottoman between the two chairs-
so cute:)
Another view... I loved the orange in the rug:)
My close up Iphone pic of the armoire- sigh
It is placed in her foyer directly across of the living room...
definitely a focal point in the room.
We tend to skip over the color combo of orange and navy when
thinking about designing our interiors, but it works!
Here's proof:
This entire room could be moved into "Jane's" house!
The weird part about this photo is that when I was searching for orange and navy rooms,
this pic popped up... which was featured by Cassie of Hi Sugarplum blog...
who earlier in the day contacted me since she lives around the corner.
Cassie is very talented at DIY projects, so check out her blog...
can't wait to meet her:)
More O and N:
Mirror does the "right" trick in this space
courtesy of Maison Classique
Striking combo found on the blog Be Colorful
Another winner found on Cassie's blog
(my son has this lamp found at Target...
ages ago). His bedroom is orange and navy and I
will get some pics whenhe cleans it up I can:)
Great inspiration board from Chasing Davies
Adorable plates from LA Plates featured by Cassie:)
And to finish out, I have coveted this chair since I saw it in "Jane's" house
a few years ago when we met.
If I snuck in and painted it navy, do you think she would notice?
Before I start my Tuesday, thank you again "Jane" for the yummy tuna croissants,
refreshing Chardonnay and delicious conversation.
I LOVE MY JOB and the people it brings into my life xxxooo
thinking about designing our interiors, but it works!
Here's proof:
This entire room could be moved into "Jane's" house!
The weird part about this photo is that when I was searching for orange and navy rooms,
this pic popped up... which was featured by Cassie of Hi Sugarplum blog...
who earlier in the day contacted me since she lives around the corner.
Cassie is very talented at DIY projects, so check out her blog...
can't wait to meet her:)
More O and N:
Mirror does the "right" trick in this space
courtesy of Maison Classique
Striking combo found on the blog Be Colorful
Another winner found on Cassie's blog
(my son has this lamp found at Target...
ages ago). His bedroom is orange and navy and I
will get some pics when
Great inspiration board from Chasing Davies
Adorable plates from LA Plates featured by Cassie:)
And to finish out, I have coveted this chair since I saw it in "Jane's" house
a few years ago when we met.
If I snuck in and painted it navy, do you think she would notice?
Before I start my Tuesday, thank you again "Jane" for the yummy tuna croissants,
refreshing Chardonnay and delicious conversation.
I LOVE MY JOB and the people it brings into my life xxxooo
Until next time,