
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Orange and Navy: A Perfect Fit

When we are away from things for a while, we tend to forget how important they are~

Here's my list from last Friday:

1. My sweet client "Jane"


2. Her stunning orange armoire

Last year, we put the touches on "Jane's" living room by adding
soft draperies, but what impressed me the most when I started working with her 
was the color combination she had going of...
orange, navy and cream!

Friday, we had a visit to pick out granite but we chatted most of the time instead:)

Sorry I don't have good pics, but the colors are so pretty in person!
Take a peek at the blue velvet stacked ottoman between the two chairs-
so cute:)

Another view... I loved the orange in the rug:)

My close up Iphone pic of the armoire- sigh

It is placed in her foyer directly across of the living room...
definitely a focal point in the room.

We tend to skip over the color combo of orange and navy when
thinking about designing our interiors, but it works!

Here's proof:

This entire room could be moved into "Jane's" house!

The weird part about this photo is that when I was searching for orange and navy rooms,
this pic popped up... which was featured by Cassie of Hi Sugarplum blog...
who earlier in the day contacted me since she lives around the corner.


Cassie is very talented at DIY projects, so check out her blog...
can't wait to meet her:)

More O and N:

Mirror does the "right" trick in this space
courtesy of Maison Classique

Striking combo found on the blog Be Colorful

Another winner found on Cassie's blog

(my son has this lamp found at Target...
ages ago).  His bedroom is orange and navy and I
will get some pics when he cleans it up I can:)

Great inspiration board from Chasing Davies

Adorable plates from LA Plates featured by Cassie:)

And to finish out, I have coveted this chair since I saw it in "Jane's" house
a few years ago when we met.

If I snuck in and painted it navy, do you think she would notice?

Before I start my Tuesday, thank you again "Jane" for the yummy tuna croissants,
refreshing Chardonnay and delicious conversation.

I LOVE MY JOB and the people it brings into my life xxxooo

Until next time,

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Wash away your Milkwash Cabinets!

Rule #1 

Never mix a white cat with wet brown stain...

uh oh, a permanent new streak on top of her head!

At least her beautiful green eyes draw the most attention!

Rule #2

If you have pickled woodwork in your house,
listen to me!

Here's a bad Iphone picture of my client's family room before:

and after:

For a fraction of the cost of new moldings and paneling, 
a new look is on the way!

Isn't is beautiful??

Here's the process:
(with a few skipped steps!)

1. Pickled wood is painted this creamy color
2. Glaze applied magically

Yes, my friends... paint and glaze- not stain...
no sanding, no stripping

The photo below shows the inside of the pickled drawer on the island
and the beginning of the end- we then added some dark glaze for shadowing effect

Love how the glaze is applied heavier on the details of the moldings

Family room woodwork as well as crown and base moldings are being darkened 
while the kitchen gets a fresh coat of tea stained blue!

The color?

None other than the sister of my Sherwin William's Oyster Bay...
Comfort Gray
*just a bit lighter*

Testing the technique right on the wall- do not try this at home!

We were deciding whether to add the umber glaze or not,
and we decided a light coat was in order...
working the way up:)

So there is a fix to disguising your milkwash cabinets...
especially those of you who have the Plano Pink variety!

Call me and we'll get rid of it forever, since I 
don't think they will be coming back!

Until next time,

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Man Caves vs. Mom Caves

As we all know, “If Mom’s not happy, nobody is happy”, so it is now fitting that 
we are seeing the creation of “Mom Caves” surface on the interior design scene. 

Recently, I was asked to contribute to an article for the Plano Star Courier and here are my thoughts... and for the complete article with more pictures, click here!

For years, we have created “Man Caves for our husbands and dads to 
retreat to a secret space to unwind.  They have their theater rooms, gaming
 rooms, cigar bars, wine grottos, masculine libraries, home offices, 
over the top garages, outdoor living… and the list goes on!

Moms are now carving out small spaces for the to escape from it all and when 
the door is closed, mom is off duty.  These Mom Caves actually provide a
 place for Moms to work or explore a passion… Moms are doers!  Yet at the same 
time, the cave must look pretty and be a place she wants to stay a while.

The Mom Cave also needs to be the sanctuary to hide in if she feels 
like doing nothing… really tune out the grind of everyday life.  
Leave the guilt at the door and take the time to recharge!


-Small office (pay bills in style -equip with soft lamp and yummy scented candle)
-Craft room (a lot of storage and ability for the scrapbooking to take over and be a mess!)
-Meditation/Reading room (comfortable sofa or chaise, music, soft lighting and blankets)
-Girl time (enough seating for girlfriends, small beverage bar, coffee cups and martini glasses)
-Sewing room (storage for fabrics, large working table, good lighting)
-Guilty pleasure TV (watch the Real Housewives…alone!)


-CLOSET! (use vertical space for storage shelving)
-Window seat niche
-Master sitting area (use folding screen)
-Guest bedroom
-Underneath a staircase
-Staircase landing


Since the space may be small, make it a jewel box and add:
-Gorgeous wallpaper
-Feminine chandelier
-Lots of texture (fluffy pillows, velvet and silk throws, plush rug)
-Patterned fabric storage boxes
-Soft paint palette (create a color scheme that is completely different than the rest of the house)
-Personalize it to you (mementos, framed family photos, favorite things)


-Skip the overstuffed man recliner and make it a space that makes you smile!

Here's some fun! created a contest to submit concept boards
based on the artist's view of the perfect Mom Cave...very creative

For me, it is about quiet time… I can imagine my space with soft lighting, 
a chaise lounge, stacks and stacks of design magazines, scissors, file folders 
and sticky notes (maybe my laptop and a minifridge!). 

A place where I can declutter “my stuff” which makes me a happy mom!

Until next time,

Images via: Real Simple,,,

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Your Springtime Table!

From Snow to Spring!  
How cute are these arrangements?!

A childhood friend of mine posted these top two 
on Facebook, and I had to share...

The creative floral designer is Abby's Floral Design of Suwanne, Georgia
and hopefully my Atlanta friends will check out her gorgeous, edgy florals...

I may even attempt making these... will let you know:).

Thinking ahead, here are some Easter Table ideas
from the old pros at HGTV and Better Homes and Gardens:

*Dressed Votives*

*You know how much I love these glass domes... so versatile*

*Two ideas using chocolate bunnies*

*Another use for your Martini glasses*

*Simplicity at its' best*

Let me know if you try one of these ideas or please share your favorite!

Until next time,

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bunking at Steamboat Springs

The joys of Spring Break...
without any "breaks"- whew!

We just returned from Steamboat Springs, Colorado for a few days of skiing with friends... 
and had a blast!  Interestingly enough, our condo would not keep an internet connection 
for long so I was forced to take a real vacation from work... sigh.  I'm back:)

While we weren't busy trying to keep up with this one...

or this one...

I did sneak a couple of pics of some of nature's beauty from the top of the peak-

The good news is that my knee held up and I got in three great days of skiing!

Off the slopes, my mind drifted off to the place it frequently goes...
good great design.

With four kids in tow, they definitely needed a place to 
crash after a day of nonstop skiing and boarding...

Thank goodness for Bunk Beds!  

If you are thinking of buying a cabin in the mountains,
get creative and bunk the kids... check these out-

My favorite... easy to do with paint-

The whole package!

1-2-3-4-5-6 kids?

I love how they used the architecture of the ceiling to pocket the bunks...

How fun is this???

or this loft?

When the kids are out, how about relaxing in a space like this?

or this will do!

Here's a shot of the whole crew... sorry about Wes' head...:)

I think that's the last bit of Winter... time to think Spring!

Until next time,

Images via* Moi,,